Friday, October 5, 2012


Man there are so many things to share but so little time to do it all.  I am reminded of an Ani Difranco lyric,  "I've been a long time coming and I'll be a long time gone.  You've got you whole life to do something and thats not very long."  

I wrestle with my time management/efficiency and often feel like I should be doing more.  I have to find a more simple way to write and edit all of the things I want to accomplish.   Crap!  

Recently I commented to friend that I was just exhausted and didn't understand why I wasn't getting more accomplished.  He laughed and replied that maybe I should slow down a bit.   Slow Down?  Slow Down?  What?  I ride a Ural for craps sake how much slower can I go.  lol…  He commented that perhaps my perspective is a bit off.  He looked at my odometers and reminded me that I put over 17K clicks on 2 bikes and recorded almost 2 terabit's of data in 9 months while still working a separate full time job.  Whatever… I still feel like I should be doing better at this.  

Largely its about having the right equipment and then spending the time to learn how to make it productive.  I'm getting there.  This is the first year and the project is just starting to have its own personality which helps define what the work needs to be.  

I will admit…sometimes I fantasize about simplifying my world and imagine what it would be like to have a defined task related job.  I wonder if I would get bored if all I as doing was videography or just editing etc etc.  I enjoy to do too many things.  Hmm, I wonder why I always feel busy.  

Recently I have been reminded that busy is good but just remember to enjoy the things and people around you.  If that isn't happening your focus is wrong.  

I come back to the Chinese Proverb about the red thread.  "Just pull the damn thread Prichard and don't get yourself tangled in it."  Practice what you preach.

Until next time…. look for me broadcasting from my 3 wheeled pulpit.  --jp

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